Tired of watching mainstream, stereotypical movies? Try some commercials
By Ajla Angjeli, Klasa 10-të
Don’t you ever feel exhausted hearing how dangerous, even poisoning and some say criminal the commercials in TV , billboards or social media are? Don’t you feel fed up with teachers telling us how to protect ourselves from them, how to think critically, and so on and so forth?
Well, I myself do enjoy many commercials, even in social media or TV. They are short, sometimes funny, sometimes thought provoking, and I do think that sometimes they are better made than most mainstream movies
Well, let’s put it seriously
Advertising does play a crucial role in modern society, serving several beneficial purposes. It keeps people informed about products, services and innovations, helping consumers make good choices. By showcasing their latest offerings, advertisements ensure that individuals are aware of new technologies and facilities, contributing to an informed public.
Moreover, advertising encourages competition between companies, which is essential for a healthy economy. When businesses compete, they strive to improve their products, lower their prices and increase their service. This competition leads to better quality products and improvement within industries.
However, the impact of advertisements is not always positive, because it can lead to unnecessary purchases and high amounts of spending. This bears financial problems within families, decreasing the local economy.
Don’t you think that while advertising has its drawbacks, its overall benefits to society are significant. By promoting these positive impacts and ensuring that ads are socially responsible, advertising can continue to serve as a valuable tool for both consumers and businesses.