Enabling your children to learn or improve their English skills by studying abroad is one of the most effective ways to boost both your children’s future career prospects and their wider personal development. Learning English is a great advantage in itself, but the cultural experiences of visiting England and making new friends are just as important reasons for choosing a summer school. The positive effects of learning another language are well-documented, but the benefit to your child is hugely increased by them studying in England. If you’re in any doubt about sending your children to summer school, just have a look at some of the great reasons why you should below.
As language skills are always highly-regarded by admissions offices in all higher education institutions, whether your child would like to become a doctor, teacher or astronaut, learning English at summer school will add another string to their bow. With competition for places at the best universities increasing by the year, choosing to learn a language in your spare time shows not only real commitment but also an ability to apply yourself. These two attributes could really help your child to stand out from the crowd. The increased confidence your child will build by learning a new language will also help them to sail through any admission interviews, and help them to combat any nerves so they can really shine.